Terms of Service

Blasto RTB platform

Thanks for choosing Blasto to be your reliable partner when it comes to your advertisement needs. Our legal address is 1840 SW 22ND ST., PMB 4-1136 MIAMI, FL 33145 EIN 38-4062133 - this is where we run our smart services.

In choosing our services, you agree to the following:

Definition of Services

This agreement includes all the services offered by Blasto and is not limited to Blasto self-serve RTB platform and the Blasto open ad marketplace.


Having made payment in a timely manner, Blasto gives you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable right to use this site. It grants you the right to search for ads, bid on, display and purchase inventory, store and serve the ads, and track results of different campaigns.

Limitation on Rights Granted

Blasto (or its affiliated companies or licensors) maintains all rights concerning services and its enhancements. You only have limited right of access and use, envisioned in this agreement.

Prohibited Usage

You are not granted any permission to use the services beyond this agreement. For example, you are not allowed to:

  • Use somebody else's credit card to pay for fees without their consent
  • Take illegal actions towards Blasto website and gain access without authorization
  • Advertise or participate in fraudulent activity on the site
  • Aid in the spread of viruses and other malicious software
  • Infringe on other people’s rights such as patents and trademarks
  • Frame and enclose any Blasto trademarks or its proprietary information
  • Use bots or special tools to monitor and copy the data on this website
  • Retrieving information illegally
  • Deleting ads put on the site
  • Giving any information on this website to third parties or competitors
  • Engage in any activity that would interfere with the servers, partners of Blasto
  • Use of unknown proxy to get into the website

The above list is designed for illustrational purposes, and may not cover all the prohibited issues. If you are unsure about anything, it is good to consult before attempting it and get a duly signed confirmation from Blasto.

User Account

You ensure to Blasto that you have the authority, power and legal capacity to enter into this agreement. If you are representing a company or any other group, you enter into this agreement on their behalf. This agreement is binding, legal and valid.

Confirmation of information

You give Blasto or a third party the right to:

  • Make any inquiry to validate your identity.
  • Carry out a credit or checks to you or your corporation.

With this in mind, you may be asked to give out better details to assert ownership of the provided personal information.

Updating information

Any information provided to Blasto should be transparent, accurate and current. If parts of the information are not true, the actual information should be provided.

Ad Eligibility Requirements

All ads must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Must conform to Blasto tech requirements.
  • The necessary rules that the web publisher deems applicable when running ads on their sites. Ensure that you keep tabs with latest versions of the updates from the RTB platform. If not sure of the above, contact Blasto for further guidance.
  • Follow Blasto requirements for the provision of quality and creative ads. This also applies even to your ad landing sites.
  • The laws that regulate running of advertisements in your respective country.

These guidelines are subject to alterations and must be reviewed from time to time to ensure strict adherence.

Ad Responsibility

You and the people you are representing are entirely responsible for anything you do on this site and Blasto is not liable for any casualty whatsoever. If a third party was infringed by your ads, we are under the obligation to give out your contact information.

Ad Quality Review

Before uploading any ad, Blasto must approve of such. Through the partnership with other partners, any material that is posted on the site is scanned. To ensure that your ad gets a higher approval rate makes sure it falls within the size parameters, I.e., banner, native video pre-rolls small, medium and large players. You should also make sure that it follows are the necessary guidelines crucial for submission.

Also, make sure that it is malware free and does not contain banned content outlawed within your area of jurisdiction.


Blasto platform works on CPM pricing model only.


Please note, Blizzclick reserves the right to revise existing live ads regardless of their approval status, this is done to ensure the submission procedure demands are fully met. In case an advertisement doesn’t comply with regulations or cannot be regarded as eligible due to the certain reasons, it will be a righteous decision for Blizzclick to delete such submission along with corresponding user account.


When you bid on ad inventory on Blasto platform, you are accepting an offer to buy the ad inventory. Once the offer is accepted, it can never be canceled.

Payment Methods

Only $ 500 minimum deposits can be made at a time either using credit cards, PayPal and wire transfers. Transactions are only accepted in us dollars. If your account is inactive for six months, it will be closed, and Blasto does not offer any prior notices. If after three months of deposit, no activity has been detected in your account, it will also be closed.

Account Responsibilities

You are solely responsible for ensuring accurate information and campaign launch in your account.


You are free to delete your account any day through a written submission to Blasto. Your unused balance will be refunded minus bank commision. Within 30 days, the funds will be reimbursed through the account used to deposit them. You may be asked to provide further details to complete the above process. People who have engaged in malicious activities such as running unregulated ads will not have their refunds back.
You solemnly agree to defend Blasto staff and its partners from any activity that may harm or infringe on their rights due to your use of this Service or your breach of the agreement.

Intellectual Property

Blasto requires the use of your ad to offer you services in its capabilities. By agreeing, to use these services you:

  • Give Blasto and its affiliates, the right to use your intellectual property to display, distribute, adapt and any other manner deemed by the use of these Services.
  • Enable Blasto and its affiliates to gather any data related to your ad.
  • Grant Blasto and its affiliates to use your name, logo, and ads on their website.
  • Show Blasto that you have the lawful right to post and distribute the ad to the services of Blasto. This shows that you are not infringing on any one's rights.

Blasto property

Blasto, blasto.ai, and the Blasto logo are the registered trademarks of Blasto and its affiliated companies. The use of the above without Blasto permission is a violation of the terms of the agreement. Also, the graphics, headers, icons, and scripts are trademarks belonging to Blasto and its affiliated companies. Without written consent, you may not copy, photocopy, or use the above materials. You duly agree that the content remains the assets of Blasto and you are not supposed to use it without prior permission because they constitute to intellectual property.

Identification as a customer. You give Blasto the right to see you as a customer. This entails the use of your name or company in describing you in the line of business on the website.

RTB Platform Disclaimer

Blasto asserts that there are no warranties are to be issued for the RTB platform. Blasto does not warrant any misconduct that may arise from the use of the RTB platform. Blasto does not guarantee that the site is free from errors, viruses, or any other malice. If your account has been accessed illegally, Blasto is not liable in any way, and your membership to this site is at your own risk.

Liability for Blasto RTB platform

If the Blasto and the RTB platforms fail, Blasto will pay as compensation for the ads that were not served.

Services Disclaimer

Concerning the Services, Blasto disclaims all guarantees based on:

  1. Cost per impression
  2. Click-through rates
  3. Delivery of impressions
  4. User actions related to your ads
  5. Placement of ads.

Blasto has no representations on any matters concerning revenue, how your advertising campaign is faring on or any advantages or milestones arising from the use of the services or if the services work out perfectly for you to satisfy their purpose.

Blasto does not make representations regarding issues like revenue, performance of your ad campaigns and any anticipated benefits that are related to your access; of the Services and the Services that are suitable for your intended purpose.

Blasto will strive to provide the best services, but in the event of the following, the services may be unavailable when:

  1. There is maintenance.
  2. Equipment fails
  3. Network faces attacks
  4. There are unavoidable circumstances.

Internet inherently insecure

The internet is not always a secure medium of transfer of data. Processes such as mail transfer or logins may be lead to loss of data or its interception when on the transfer. For this Blasto, does not take any liability in the event such data is lost or intercepted. However, Blasto employs the latest measures to safeguard your data and treats your information in a confidential way. When this confidential information is obtained fraudulently by a third party and exposed, Blasto or its affiliated companies take no liability.

Limitation of liability

Blasto, its affiliate partners, employees, directors, agents will not be liable for damages, injuries, expenses, proceedings, losses, or any other constraint that may be either arise from your data or lack thereof, leading to leaking of confidential information over the internet, to you or to any third party. These limitations are applicable irrespective of the party in violation of the code of conduct. Blasto, its employees, agents, workers or its affiliated companies will not be answerable to any defamatory or any allegations. If by any chance the liability is prohibited, damage fees will not exceed $100.


Deletion or suspension of your account

  • Blasto has the right to delete and suspend any account within its specifications.
  • If your account is deleted: Blasto is not mandated to give a reason for the same.
  • Blasto will refund your unused balance within 30 days.

In the case where the advertiser has infringed or breached the ethics of sound advertisement such malware or harmful advertising content in the Blasto RTP platform, their accounts are suspended without issuance of any refund.

If a breach of these terms occurs, your account stands suspended or deleted. If it is deleted on grounds for breach of agreement, Blasto will reimburse the balance and subtract 50%, as liquidated balance. This will be paid within 30 days. Blasto may request you to offer additional information or any other documents that may help to ascertain your identity. This happens before any refund is issued.

Related Accounts

Once your account has been deleted, you cannot access it, and you will be prohibited from opening a new one. If a user opens a new account, Blasto can carry out research relying on subscriber data on any other information, Blasto may be forced to delete or suspend that account.


Any information shared with you through the Services must be kept confidential. This includes inventory prices and other statistics.

Privacy Policy

By using these Services, you agree to the privacy policy, which grants Blasto the use and the collection of personal data and treat it according to the guidelines of the privacy policy clause.


Blasto does not pay for any suggestions pout across regarding the use of these services. Any suggestion made becomes Blasto`s intellectual property.

No joint venture

Blasto does not provide for partnership or any agency relationships between it and its clients based on the use of these Services.


The sole purpose of having to break this agreement into smaller sections and placement of headings is to make it easy to read. It does not affect the understanding of the agreement in any way.


Without Blasto written consent, you cannot transfer or assign rights to this agreement. On the other end, Blasto can transfer this agreement without your consent.


This Agreement enures to the benefits and binds every party and the permitted assigns.

Superior force

Apart from the already stated disclaimers, the performance of Blasto is excused when it fails to fulfill its mandate due to occurrences beyond its control. Factors such as acts of God, war, fire, equipment failure, or civil disorder may warrant exceptions to liability.

Governmental or other subpoenas

Blasto may be compelled by government bodies to allow access to your accounts information. Blasto does not have to tell you of a subpoena or respond to any.


Blasto will ensure efficient communication by sending out notices through your email as you provided in your account. Such notice will be deemed to have been sent to you upon its posting unless not delivered.

Changes to Agreement

Blasto has the sole right to add or change clauses of this agreement. In the event of a change, you will be notified through your email or get it posted to the website. Any use of the Service after the set effective date, means you have indeed agreed to the changes. If you do not agree to the changes, you should immediately stop using the Services and notify Blasto via the support email support@blasto.ai.

Entire Agreement

The agreement as it is, changes from time to time entails the details of the agreement between Blasto and you for the provision of the Service and is superior to all initial agreements, whether written or verbal. You cannot alter these terms, nor any Blasto salesperson.

Governing Law

This agreement is governed and formulated in line with the laws of England and Wales and each of the parties adhere to the jurisdictions of the two countries.

Waiver of right to a jury trial

The parties agree that any difference or misunderstanding that may arise from this agreement must be complex in nature. The parties agree that any court proceeding arising from this relationship should be tried in a court with proper jurisdiction by a judge in the absence of a jury.