Terms of Use

Definitions and general inquiry

Blasto provides fully-package information about terms and conditions, regarding the use of our website - blasto.ai. Our site implies registration an "Account" for any business, web publishers or advertisers. The content displayed and stored on our site, provides users and clients with a wide range of data, text, images, sound, video and other information and materials. That's why "Copyright Information and Trademarks" and other designations are strictly agreed upon the legal terms, in obedience to the private property rights.

Blasto gives the clients access to the Site, where they are welcomed to buy and sell services/ads. By using our services, you agree to comply with all regulations stated in this Agreement. Please study these terms thoroughly before creating an account. If you do not accept these terms, do not use our services. We reserve the right to change these terms of use at any time with prior notice of 7 business days to the client/partner. You are welcome to monitor changes in terms of this agreement to ensure you proceed with its adjustments. If you continue using our services and haven't deleted an account, it means you automatically accept the new Terms of Use.

Terms and Conditions

Under the terms execution, all advertisers and website publishers create a protected personal account. By signing up an account, you agree to be at least 18 years old and financially capable. You also agree to comply with your responsibilities and obligations posted in this agreement, privacy and confidentiality policies stated on the website, including those for deposits of money, payment methods, account recharge and cash-outs. To create an account, you are subject to provide an email address, compose a password and add contact information and payments methods. You are prohibited to use the email address of another person or represent a third party or use an email address that Blasto may consider as not valid or offensive.

Blasto do not allow using an inappropriate or offensive account name or email address. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account/contact information and linked password. You are in charge of the accuracy of your data and keeping it relevant. In case of violation of these Terms, your account falls under a ban. If you notice some illegal activities taken on behalf of your account, immediately inform Blasto of violation of your account security. You agree that you take responsibility for any action executed by anyone using your account. If we can't verify the provided information and detect that your actions are abusive, fraudulent or illegal, we reserve the right to terminate or to forbidden access to your account.

Payment Details and Your Account Fulfillment

Blasto requires advanced payments for all publisher/advertiser accounts. Clients should initially fill up their accounts (with no limits in amount) to activate them. All accounts that have no cash deposit are placed on hold, and all the business campaigns are canceled until the account is recharged.

Copyright Information

The copyright is a form of intellectual property applicable to any copyright information, trademark and other proprietary rights. All of the trademarks of Blasto are pending patent and their use, without Blasto's prior written permission, is strictly prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content viewed or downloaded from the Site.

Conditions of Website Usage

Being an advertiser or publisher, in compliance with your Account, you agree to:

  • Abide by all the local and international laws and regulations regarding activities on the Site.
  • Notify us via email if you decided to terminate your Account;
  • Blasto's terms for payment, cash-outs, as described in the Account registration process on the Site;
  • Blasto's terms for spreading statistical information. You agree that such statistics are subject to revision for evaluating errors or the discovery of frauds. You are responsible for monitoring updates of statistics that can be changed and adjusted any time;
  • Install and use Ad Tag on your website every time you publish or sell ads via the site.

General Restrictions

Being our client, in compliance with your Account, you agree NOT to:

  • Violate the terms of privacy policy or any other agreement you have concluded with Blasto;
  • Store and share false and misleading information, or represent any person or entity;
  • Provide and distribute fraudulent products\services, or engage in unfair promotions or ambiguous practice;
  • Violate any information disclosure or confidentiality policies, break the terms of copyright, trademark usage, or other intellectual property rights;
  • Act in a manner that somehow discredits, or intimidates users or clients by race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, or disability;
  • Gather or disclose any information about our clients or users, including any private data or personal details;
  • Share any form of adult or obscene content or services, including pornographic images and videos- any adult content which requires legal permission;
  • Participate in gambling affairs
  • Perform any unreliable methods to get clicks, whether manual or automated, including clicks for own ads, claiming others to click or view ads, offering illegal compensations, using bots or other automated tools;
  • Take any action that may cause us to lose clients, system administrators, service providers and other suppliers. It is not welcomed to put excessive or high pressure on Blasto;
  • Threaten or interfere with the safety of our website, web servers or networks, operating systems, accounts, connected to our services or affiliated web sources;
  • Distribute any malware computer programs, including worms, bots, and viruses that may corrupt, intercept or seize any system data, or use any software to attempt to break into the site.